DECISION n ° 13-037 of August 23, 2013
Decision authorizing the establishment and operation of an independent HF network for private use and the use of radio frequencies by the Société Malienne de Transport de Fonds (SMTF-SA)
DECISION n ° 13-036 of 02 August 2013
Decision approving the company SEMA TELECOM as a private installer of telecommunications equipment
DECISION n ° 13-034 of July 17, 2013
Decision allocating a short number to SOTELMA-SA
DECISION n ° 13-035 of July 17, 2013
Decision on the allocation of short numbers to SOTELMA-SA
DECISION n ° 13-033 of July 15, 2013
Decision on the allocation of short numbers to the General Delegation for Elections (DGE) of Mali
DECISION n ° 13-032 of July 10, 2013
Decision approving the reorganization of the Business Internet Region offer of Orange Mali SA
DECISION n ° 13-031 of July 08, 2013
Decision approving the rebalancing of international tariffs for the “Africa” and “Rest of the world” zones of the fixed voice service of SOTELMA-SA
DECISION n ° 13-030 of June 26, 2013
Decision allocating numbering resources to Orange Mali SA
DECISION n ° 13-029 of June 13, 2013
Decision approving the redevelopment of SOTELMA-SA’s “Optimo Plus” corporate GFU mobile offer
DECISION n ° 13-026 of June 10, 2013
Decision renewing and modifying the authorization for the establishment and operation of an independent VSAT network for private use and for the use of radio frequencies by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)