DECISION N ° 12-086 of September 19, 2012
Decision adopting the AMRTP logo
DECISION N ° 12-050 of June 1, 2012
Decision renewing the authorization for the use of radio frequencies by the Dutch development organization
DECISION N ° 12-045 of May 30, 2012
Decision authorizing the use of radio frequencies by the Belgian Embassy
DECISION N ° 12-046 of May 30, 2012
Decision renewing the authorization for the use of radio frequencies by the International Bank for Commerce and Industry (BLR)
DECISION N ° 12-047 May 30, 2012
Decision renewing the authorization for the use of radio frequencies by the International Bank for Commerce and Industry in Mali (VSAT)
DECISION N ° 12-048 of May 30, 2012
Decision renewing the authorization for the use of radio frequencies by AFRICAN MINING SERVICES MALI (AMS MALI)
DECISION N ° 12-049 of May 30, 2012
Decision renewing the authorization for the use of radio frequencies by the Malian electricity and construction company (SOMAFREC)
DECISION N ° 12-043 of May 24, 2012
Decision allocating numbering resources to Orange Mali-SA
DECISION N ° 12-040 of May 14, 2012
Decision renewing the authorization of radio frequencies by the BANQUE ATLANTIQUE MALI
DECISION N ° 12-041 of May 14, 2012
Decision renewing the authorization of radio frequencies by the ICCO ROWA foundation