The Malian Authority for the Regulation of Telecommunications, Information and Communication Technologies and Posts (AMRTP) intends to recruit a Consultant to conduct the above-mentioned study.

The objective of the audit:

Primary objective

Identify all the professional tools necessary for the establishment of digital trust in the Malian cyberspace.

Specific objectives

The selected Consultant will have among other tasks:

  • to prepare a draft document of the National Cyber ​​Security Strategy;
  • organize an inclusive workshop to validate the National Cybersecurity Strategy project;
  • formulate recommendations relating to the efficient implementation of the Strategy.

Consultants interested in this call are invited to make themselves known to the AMRTP by sending a closed envelope or e-mail a file including the following information:

Presentation of the firm
  • Administrative information;
  • Presentation of key personnel qualified with regard to the requirements of the assignment, with their certifications and CVs specifying the level of training, professional experience and references relevant to the study assignment;
  • Presentation of references of similar study assignments or of the same technical complexity, including:
    • name of the mission;
    • client and his address;
    •  implementation period (start month and year and end month and year);
    • cost of the mission;
    • total load in men / month and the possible part of the Consultant;
    • brief description of the services insured and the products delivered;
  • Any other useful document to better understand the professional capacities of the Consultant.

Expressions of interest must be sent with the words “DEVELOPMENT OF A NATIONAL CYBERSECURITY STRATEGY” no later than Monday, September 18, 2020 at 4 p.m. (UT) to the address below:

Address: Malian Telecommunications Regulatory Authority,

of Information and Communication Technologies and Posts.

Street 360 ​​Buildng AMRTP, Hamdallaye ACI, BP: 2206, Bamako (Mali)

E-mail :; Tél : (+223) 20 70 57 00 ou (+223) 44 97 65 20

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