Notice of Open Tenderings (AAOO N° 22-001 / AMRTP)
The AMRTP has funds from its budget, to finance its program of activities, and intends to use part of these funds to make payments under the Alucobond Coating Work Contract for the AMRTP headquarters building.
Quality of experience (QoE) measurement tool for mobile network subscribers
AMRTP QoE is a mobile application providing a comprehensive view of the quality of customer experience. It allows you to know the speed of your internet connection in real time, usage measurements (streaming, browsing, etc.). From this application you can directly notify AMRTP of quality of service issues. To download the link on: On Play […]
Toll free
For all your problems with telecommunications operators, please call this toll-free number 80 00 44 44
Request for information and open competition prices for the acquisition of non-ionizing radiation measurement equipment
Notice of call for competition DRP – CO : N°20-002/ AMRTP The Malian Authority for the Regulation of Telecommunications, Information and Communication Technologies and Posts (AMRTP) has funds from its budget and intends to use part of these funds to make payments under of the Contract relating to the acquisition of non-ionizing radiation measurement equipment. The […]
Tenders for the supplies and installation of an automatic frequency control system in Kayes
TENDER FILE Issued August 21, 2020 for DELIVERY OF SUPPLIES SUPPLIES AND INSTALLATION OF AN AUTOMATIC FREQUENCY CONTROL SYSTEM AT KAYES Tenders No: 20-003 / AMRTP Contracting Authority: Malian Authority for the Regulation of Telecommunications, Information and Communication Technologies and Posts (AMRTP) Funding source: AMRTP budget – Fiscal year 2020 Notice of Open Invitation to […]
Call for expressions of interest for the development of a national cybersecurity strategy
CALL FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST Subject: “DEVELOPMENT OF A NATIONAL CYBERSECURITY STRATEGY” The Malian Authority for the Regulation of Telecommunications, Information and Communication Technologies and Posts (AMRTP) intends to recruit a Consultant to conduct the above-mentioned study. The objective of the audit: Primary objective Identify all the professional tools necessary for the establishment of digital […]
Call for expressions of interest for the delivery of an automated spectrum management system
DELIVERY OF SUPPLIES AUTOMATED SPECTRUM MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SGAS) Tenders No: 20-001 / AMRTP Contracting Authority: Malian regulatory authority of Telecommunications, Information and Communication Technologies and Posts (AMRTP) Source de financement : Budget AMRTP – Exercice 2020 Notice of Open Invitation to Tender (AAOO) Malian regulatory authority of Telecommunications, Information and Communication Technologies and Posts (AMRTP) AAOO […]
Notice of postponement of the opening date relating to the supply of an automated spectrum management system (SGAS)
The Malian Authority for the Regulation of Telecommunications, Information and Communication Technologies and Posts (AMRTP) informs the bidders of call for tenders No. 20-001 relating to the Supply of a Management System Spectrum Automation (SGAS), initially scheduled for September 16, 2020, is postponed to October 08, 2020 at 10 a.m.
Mobile coverage
Dis lacinia pellentesque interdum tincidunt cubilia massa egestas primis ullamcorper velit ultrici molestie dui in feugiat lobortis erat vivamus hac condimentum est, libero nostra aliquet consequat fringilla cras lectus vitae ligula sapien. Aptent torquent magnis habitant turpis…
Fixed broadband and very high speed internet coverage
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit ad, tincidunt senectus felis platea natoque mattis. Dis lacinia pellentesque interdum tincidunt cubilia massa egestas primis ullamcorper velit ultrici molestie dui in feugiat lobortis erat vivamus hac condimentum est…