This section concerns the system of authorizations to use and operate frequencies.List of information and documents to be provided for an application for authorization to establish and operate independent networks Fill in the standard Internet access provider form and attach the above documents:Formulaire de déclaration DECLARATION FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A NETWORK OR THE OPERATION OF A TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE SUBJECT TO DECLARATION INTERNET ACCESS SERVICE PROVISION DECLARATION FORM Name (required) Email of contact (required) Address (required) Phone (required) Contact details corresponding authorized Certified true copy of the registration in the commercial register Certified true copy of the Statute Certified according to the tax registration number Certified copy of identity card (DG) Copy of the general meeting minutes of appointment of DG Liaison contract with the Operators for the case of Specialized Links, the Beam Hertzian, Optical Fiber and the Satellite Circuit Authorizations which the declarant already holds Description of existing activities Description of the project NETWORK ESTABLISHMENTOPERATION OF A SERVICE [group etablissement-reseau clear_on_hide] ESTABLISHMENT OF A NETWORK (to be provided as appropriate) Conditions of permanence, availability and quality of service Type and general technical architecture diagram of the network Standards used Transmission, switching and envisaged access modes Intended interconnections Nature, characteristics and areas of network coverage Network deployment and commissioning schedule Modalities of constitution of the network Subscriber connection method and network access methods Types of equipment used Occupation of the public domain [/group] [group exploitation-service clear_on_hide] OPERATION OF A SERVICE (to be provided as appropriate) Conditions of permanence, availability and quality of service Type and general technical architecture diagram of the network Standards used Transmission, switching and envisaged access modes Intended interconnections Nature, characteristics and areas of network coverage Planned commercial opening schedule Types of access equipment 2.3. Positioning of the offer on the market A commercial and economic description of the project is provided for the assessment of the viability of the project. 2.4. Registrant's references The declarer provides references of (give a number) projects similar products made in Mali or abroad. [/group] PRACTICAL INFORMATION The request should be sent in triplicate to the President of AMRTP at the address next: Malian Telecommunications / ICT and Post Regulatory Authority (AMRTP), Quartier ACI 2000, Rue 390 BP: 2206 - Bamako. Δ FORM APPENDIX I - PRIVATE RADIOELECTRICITY (HF, VHF, UHF) FORM APPENDIX I - PRIVATE RADIOELECTRICITY (HF, VHF, UHF) Your name (required) Email of contact (required) Address and location of the site (required) Geographical location: Latitude (required) Longitude (required) Nature of the network to install: FixedMobileAmateur Number of stations in the network: a) Number of Base Station: b) Number of Relays: c) Number of Mobile Stations: Technical characteristics of Base stations: a) Network username: b) Network user: c) Validity: d) Zone: e) Frequency (s) (transmission / reception) f) transmit power: g) Emission class: h) Height above ground i) Antenna gain: [antenna-gain text] j) Maximum radiation azimuth: k) Frequency stability: l) Modulation method: m) Polarization: n) Call sign: [call-signal text] o) Equipment brand: [brand-equip text] p) Serial number of the equipment: 7. Technical characteristics Mobile stations: a) frequency (s) (transmission / reception): b) Bandwidth: c) Transmission power: d) Emission class: e) Height Altitude Ground level (AGL) f) Antenna gain: [antenna-gain text] g) Maximum radiation azimuth: h) Frequency stability i) Modulation method: j) Polarization: k) Call sign: [call-signal text] l)) Template: m) Type of equipment: n) Serial number of the equipment: o) Equipment brand: [brand-equip text] 8. Manufacturer's name: 9. Type of equipment: HFVHFUHF 10. Probable date of commissioning: 11.Hours of use of the station (s): [hourly-user-textarea] 12.Call sign: [call sign text] NB: Provide the instructions for the technical characteristics of transmission and reception equipment. Δ APPENDIX II (EARTH STATION AND VSAT) APPENDIX II (EARTH STATION AND VSAT) Frequency assignment and recording: Name (required) Email (required) Satellite coordinates: Latitude: Longitude: Nominal elevation: Minimum elevation: Azimuth: start: Azimuth: end: Site name: a - Geographical coordinates of the site: Latitude: Longitude: b - Station constructor (manufacturer) c - Number of stations in the network Main station (s) Secondary station (s) d - Technical information on the antenna including: antenna diameter: antenna gain: brand of the antenna: e - Operating band (c, ca, Ku, ka band, etc.) Requested transmission frequency Requested reception frequency f - Usage parameters - voice telephony capability - debit telephony capacity - voice data transmission capability - data transmission capacity throughput Requested reception frequency g - Type of modulation used: h - Type of satellite access: i - Identity of the satellite used: j- Type of rental on the satellite and name of the concessionaire or location: k- Call sign: i - Noise time: l - Usage time: m- Date of commissioning: NB: Provide a copy of the Technical Notes for the station equipment (s). Δ ANNEX III GMPCS SYSTEM (Mobile Satellite Communication System) ANNEX III GMPCS SYSTEM (Mobile Satellite Communication System) Frequency assignment and recording: Name of applicant: Address: Nature of the Equipment to be declared: (Inmarsat, thuraya, Ico, Icostar, Iridium, Globalstar, etc ...) Number of devices: Information on the structure having carried out the registration formality (status, company name, nationality, approval) Flow rate used on the equipment Telephony: Data transmission: Number of channels used: Hours of use Duration of use: NB: Provide documentation on the equipment. Δ APPENDIX IV: FH AND BLR APPENDIX IV: FH AND BLR 1. INFORMATION CONCERNING THE APPLICANT Your name Your email Company name 2. NETWORK DESTINATION Choose usage (required) A Usage privéA Usage partagéAutre 3. PURPOSE OF THE NETWORK Describe the object of the network (required) 4. DESCRIPTION OF THE SERVICE PROVIDED ---VoiceMessagingData transmissionVideoOther If "Other"; specify: 5. SERVICE AND LINK INFORMATION Service type (FH, BLR) (required) Name of the link (required) (For BLR services, complete as many forms as there are links) Name of station A (required) Name of station B (required) Longitude (DMS) Latitude (DMS) Altitude of the site above sea level (m) A - EQUIPMENT Equipment name Manufacturer Type of equipment Equipment model Operating mode (duplex, simplex, half duplex) Equipment serial number B - CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ASSIGNMENT (TRANSMISSION / RECEPTION) Frequency band Transmission frequency (MHZ) Bandwidth (MHZ) Maximum power (dBm) Transmit power (dBm) Receiver T / I (db) Minimum power level (dbm) Modulation Speed (Mbits / s) C - ANTENNA Antenna name Brand and type of antenna Antenna manufacturer Polarization Gain Physical height of antenna at ground level (m) Azimuth (Degrees) Δ